Joyce Detweiler Residential Program

The Joyce Detweiler Residential Program provides women on a release from provincial or federal incarceration with a place to call home during the critical period when they are transitioning into life within the community. 

The residential program assists women who have experienced challenges of poverty, low education, lack of familial support, and unhealthy life skills. The residential staff works alongside each resident to address their unique needs, develop life skills, and establish community resources to help women live independently in the community.

How to Apply for Residence

Any women in federal or provincial custody can ask to see the Elizabeth Fry worker, or call us directly. An intake worker will meet with you to assess your eligibility for residency and work on a release plan.

Who was Joyce Detweiler?

Joyce Detweiler was an activist on behalf of women in prison and advocated for social change and lobbied for releasing options for women.